April 2009
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Day April 21, 2009

Dream the Impossible.

While searching for new information about Honda’s first “sports hybrid” concept vehicle (the CR-Z), I stumbled upon Honda’s new “documentary series” site – appropriately entitled “Dream the Impossible“.

Not surprisingly, the films are designed to show how Honda’s culture is centered around visionary thinking.  Since this is the way I naturally think, I found the films to be very inspiring and the cinematography outstanding.

There are currently three films available for online viewing:

Failure: The Secret to SuccessThe mere thought can paralyze even the most heroic thinkers and keep great ideas off the drawing board.

Mobility 2088We ask some of the great thinkers of our generation how people will get around in 80 years.

Kick Out the LadderWe invite you to discover this inspirational metaphor that has helped impossible dreams come true.

One of the interesting aspects of the site is the rating classification system they employ – using such categories as “Connected” and “Skeptical” to steer the viewer towards one or more films.  While this rating system is perhaps unnecessary given the few films currently available, I think its usefulness will increase as more films are added.

One of the ideas I am considering for a future post (and inspired through the “Failure” film) is the psychology surrounding Thomas Edison’s failures – how does one persevere in the midst of continuous failures?