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Inspiration: Kupio Album Preview



“Human beings act, feel, and perform in accordance with what they imagine to be true about themselves and their environment.  What you imagine to be true becomes, in fact, true.  Hold a given picture of yourself long and steadily enough in your mind’s eye and you will become that picture.  Picture yourself vividly as defeated and that alone will make victory impossible.  Picture yourself vividly as winning and that alone will contribute immeasurably to success.”

Thinkertoys by Michael Michalko

Point in Time Visualizations.

I stumbled again upon the Wordle site by Jonathan Feinberg and thought it would be interesting to see what visualizations came about from both Incubator and Big Generator.  Here’s what it came up with:

Incubator (November 2, 2010)

Big Generator (November 2, 2010)

Visualizations such as these can be extremely useful in situations where you aren’t certain of the content as it can highlight key themes that may remain “hidden” within the text.